Friday, January 25, 2008

Trying out my first post

Surely there's a purpose behind every posting in a blog... the writer has something to say (obviously) that the world needs to hear (er, read).  I have created this blog in answer to my fiance's blog, Misanthropic Codswallop.  If you should end up reading his posts, you may note references to "the fiancee'" - me.  He's my best friend, the most exhilarating man I know, and I happen to be in love with him.  He's also something of a smart ass with an impression that everybody should want to hear what he has to say.  Considering how wrong he is on so many issues, I wonder sometimes why I do in fact want to hear what he has to say.  I am his biggest fan.

He (for some unfathomable reason) seems to like hearing what I have to say.  Thus... I share my Mental Popcorn with the world.  Mental Popcorn is anything that you can enjoy without a lot of effort... romance novels, action based comic books, the Ellen Degeneres Show, Mythbusters (though the experiments can result rather impressively), et cetera.  I am neither addicted to posting nor interested in writing everyday, turning this into a public diary and making me wonder if some writers aren't perhaps a little liberal with their expulsive tendencies.

You may read on this blog about sundry subjects - like reading for pleasure, Da Boyz (our two cats), my daughter, our house and garden, movies, manga/graphic novels/comics, areas around St. Louis and the Metro-East that I love visiting, ethnic foods, travel, hopes for a superb vacation in the next two years, and LARPing.

I detest bigotry in all its forms (sexism, racism, ageism, homophobia, ethnocentrism, religious extremism).  I'm typically Democrat by my choices in major issues, but don't want the government to have to take care of us all - individuals working in a responsible manner should be able to keep their freedoms and aid their fellow man.  We don't need a big brother entity to make the rules stick and force the leveling of any playing fields for us to survive as either a culture or a country.  But I might be idealistic, looking for my utopia in a dark land forgotten by its very people.  I wonder if Mul agrees that I am unrealistic in that.  Ultimately I am "independent", whatever that means.

I say good evening with this phase of indeterminable origin:  Nothing to see here, move along.  Prove me wrong and tell me where that phrase was first used... movie, comic book, where?